This Is the Police When Do You Get Good Gas Again

In this police simulator, the but thing harder than beingness a bad cop is existence a proficient one

When I begin playing Police Simulator: Patrol Duty, I'g given ii characters to choose from—police cadets Rachel Stiles and Phil Jones. And since there are two of them, it seems to me like an opportunity to play a niggling proficient cop, bad cop. With Rachel I'll endeavor to rise through the ranks by being an honest cop who plays by the rules, and with Phil I'll be a decadent cop who operates outside the law.

Unlike real life, this sim has very piddling tolerance for bad cops

That'due south the thought, anyhow. I wind upward failing with both of them, because in Police Simulator: Patrol Duty, it'southward about every bit difficult to break the rules as it is to play by them.

The start time I play as Phil, the bad cop, I go to the armory to get geared upward for duty—I'm given items like a radar gun, law vest, handcuffs, taser, flashlight, and keys to a police prowler. I've already tried punching my coworkers in the police station and jumping onto my captain's desk, simply neither work: there'southward no dial button and Phil'due south vertical leap is pathetic. So instead, I take out the pepper spray I've been given and immediately spray it into the face of the guy in the arsenal who gave it to me. Hey, that'due south merely the kind of bad cop Phil is. I'm immediately arrested, earlier the blinding cloud of gas can even attain his optics.

Unlike real life, this sim has very piffling tolerance for bad cops. Yous character has a behave score, and information technology doesn't take much bad behavior to drop information technology low plenty to get you arrested (which basically rewinds y'all to the start of your shift). And I don't have much luck beingness a bad cop outside of the precinct, either.

I frisk an innocent noncombatant, but I'thou not immune to continue the cash I detect in their pocket. I try running someone over with my law car, just I tin can't—my car stops immediately every bit if information technology's hit a wall. I taser a cop standing exterior a depository financial institution, thinking I'll then rob the teller at gunpoint, but the 'You were arrested' screen pops up immediately and I'm back to square zero again.

Phil is a bad cadet merely at this rate he'll never get to be a bad lieutenant. Merely this is Police Simulator: Patrol Duty, not GTA five. Maybe it's time to put the good cop on the street.

And Rachel does pretty well, at to the lowest degree for a couple of days. Each time I start a new shift, I pick from a few dissimilar assignments, usually a selection between driving around a neighborhood giving out tickets to illegally parked cars, driving around a neighborhood looking for crime suspects based on their descriptions (who typically surrender immediately), or taking part in a speed trap to take hold of drunk drivers.

That last one is the worst: I'yard not fifty-fifty immune to use the radar gun. Some other cop flags the speeders and I just expect until they pull over, then check their ID, administer a breathalyzer, and write them a ticket if they're sober or arrest them if they're drunk.

Only while out on these humdrum assignments, more exciting opportunities are announced on the radio that I can respond to. On Rachel'south first day, a gas station is robbed and I wind up interviewing witnesses and collecting evidence like trounce casings and fingerprints. Information technology'south fun, though it feels a trivial weird to be a police cadet working traffic stops then suddenly be doing crime scene analysis.

It's also a footling disappointing that I never become to solve the criminal offense. I take to drive the evidence back to the police station and turn it into the lab. I have no idea if the perps e'er get caught.

Just things are going well! After my first mean solar day, Rachel is promoted to Probationary Officer, and after a couple more shifts of traffic duty and the occasional awkward auto hunt (the driving controls aren't great), I get a existent, legit police officer. That'south when everything goes downwardly the toilet.

While looking for some drug dealer suspects, I respond to an emergency phone call: some other officer has been shot while on duty. I drive to the location, notice the haemorrhage officer, and call an ambulance for him. I collect evidence and call a tow truck for the officer's cruiser. It never shows upward. After waiting around for a while, I telephone call another tow truck. Again, no one arrives. I tin't take the testify to the lab until the game tells me to, and it won't tell me to until the prowler gets towed.

Finally, I find the two tow trucks I've called sitting in the street a block away. They've somehow become stuck to one some other, with the one in forepart hovering about a foot about the pavement. Neither volition budge.

I call a third tow truck but it simply spawns and sits there behind the commencement ii. I outcome a parking ticket to the commencement tow truck, just since it's a police vehicle I'g reprimanded over the radio and my conduct level takes a hit.

I telephone call a 4th truck and direct it to tow the starting time tow truck, but it merely drives up and waits in line. I try ramming them with my own auto, merely nothing will move.

Eventually, time expires on the mission and I fail, and my captain suddenly notices I've chosen in a parade of tow trucks without cause and I lose behave for each infraction. I'g left with only a sliver of positive acquit as if I'm some kind of common Phil.

Dammit, Rachel is a skillful cop!

With all that time wasted failing that mission, at that place's only a little time left on my shift to track down the drug suspects. I spot one—the description says it'due south a bald white male wearing a white tank top and blue jeans. As I pull over, however, my shift ends. The drug dealer vanishes correct in front end of me every bit if he's been raptured to drug dealer heaven. They couldn't allow me work a few minutes of overtime?

So, 2 missions failed on the same shift and my good deport is hanging past a thread. After that fiasco, I figure I'd just better stick to arresting drunk drivers on my next shift, and then I caput to the speed trap.

I just want to work and enhance my conduct score, and nothing heady ever happens at traffic stops. Until now, that is. After the other cops pull over a auto, I ask for the driver's ID, and so ask her to popular the trunk. Until now, the just thing I've ever found in a body has been a baseball bat and a handbag of groceries and I normally don't fifty-fifty bother. But this lady in the vivid blue SUV isn't only on her way dwelling from piece of work, unless her job is starring in Michael Mann'due south 1995 film Heat. In the trunk I find a friggin' assault burglarize and a briefcase full of cash!

Dang, lady, why did you lot agree to let me search the trunk? The commuter jumps out and flees and I hunt her. She won't cease when I point my taser or even my real pistol at her. I don't desire to adventure real gunfire, so I finally taser her and call her an ambulance.

But the medics are acting like they've joined the tow truck union. The ambulance arrives but merely parks in the street. The medics won't get out and drag Bonnie Parker hither off to hospital-jail. Traffic is jammed up behind the ambulance and I can't even accept the SUV towed so I can keep checking trunks for cash and mouths for booze. I'g going to neglect this easy mission besides.

Rachel is a good cop, just she's had enough. I finally snap and pull out my pistol.

As annoyed as I am, I can't bring myself to shoot Mrs. Moneybags. Instead I take out my frustrations by shooting upwardly the ambulance, or at least I endeavour. Each bullet I burn down drops my conduct score lower, and it's already depression later on final dark's tow truckageddon. After the third bullet I'm automatically arrested.

Sorry, Rachel. I tried. But some towns are and then decadent, or so glitchy, there's just no place for a adept cop.

Chris started playing PC games in the 1980s, started writing well-nigh them in the early 2000s, and (finally) started getting paid to write about them in the late 2000s. Following a few years every bit a regular freelancer, PC Gamer hired him in 2014, probably so he'd terminate emailing them asking for more work. Chris has a beloved-hate relationship with survival games and an unhealthy fascination with the inner lives of NPCs. He's also a fan of offbeat simulation games, mods, and ignoring storylines in RPGs so he can make up his own.


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